OffSet Out of the Box
Out of the Box was an interview series that was started during the pandemic as a way to support and share inspiring music educator stories. As time went by we realised the importance of not only sharing those stories but also discuss the change in trends and things that impact music education here in India. Join OffSet Education founder, Nush Lewis, and founder of Shanelle's Piano Studio, Shanelle Rodrigues, on their journey to explore, dissect and learn more about music education in and around India.
OffSet Out of the Box
Getting innovative with your lesson plans with Shanelle Rodrigues
OffSet Education
Season 1
Episode 2
For our second episode we spoke to the lovely Shanelle Rodrigues who is an incredibly innovative classical piano teacher. She is known for her quirky approaches to teaching not just kids but adults as well. She spoke to us very candidly about examination trends and advocating for students, because lord knows we didn't have anyone to advocate for us. She was also kind enough to put together a bunch of resources, which are below:
- https://www.playfactile.com/: For online group games! (jeopardy style)
- https://www.teachmusic.online/: Carly Walton has generously offered her course on online lessons at a ‘whatever you can afford’ rate! She also holds webinars to help with the transition.
- https://composecreate.com/: Wendy helps with studio advice during this time (business, scheduling, policies etc). She also has some nice resources such as flashcards or repertoire
- https://www.teachpianotoday.com/: Andrea has SO many games and resources to use for kids and teenagers. She has even created keyboard, staff pdfs (to use when you share screen) and virtual stickers to send out to your students!
Facebook Groups:
- Music Games for Online Music Classes: Creative ideas shared by educators for continuing games online
- Teach music online: Carly's Facebook page about the course and some freebies
- WunderKeys For Piano Teachers: Specifically, for the ‘teach piano today’ wunderkeys curriculum, but filled with cute resources mentioned above
- Top Music Teaching: Webinars, videos and lots of discussion on conducting smooth online lessons
- The Curious Piano Teachers: Webinars, videos and lots of discussion on conducting smooth online lessons
- Ready to Play: Started by Sally (founder of Curious Piano Teachers), and has some really great resources for young kids that include singing (solfeggio), general music appreciation etc. She puts up videos and worksheets to use!
Credentials –
Produced and Hosted by – Nush Lewis & Shanelle Rodrigues
Edited, Mixed & Mastered by – Hersh Desai
Executive Production by – Jai Dev Gupta
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